Access high quality, validated reagents to support your DUB research

We offer one of the most extensive collections of high-quality research reagents available for the support of ubiquitin-system research. Each of our reagents has been characterised in-house using, where possible, application-relevant methods, to ensure their integrity and suitability for a specific purpose. Our reagents are available as single units or in bulk quantities.

If you’re not sure where to start with building a DUB or ligase assay, we have almost 100 off-the-shelf assays that can be supplied to you as a kit. Our Custom Assay Development team can build, optimise and validate new assays for you using our reagents and supply you with the kit ready-to-go. We can also supply a sufficient quantity of materials in bulk to run in-house HTS campaigns if you are screening a library.

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To place an order or to discuss bulk discounts, either contact us at or via one of our distributors.

All orders are subject to our Terms and Conditions of Sale.

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